Horoscope Feeds

Our unique multi delivery system of Yesterday, Daily, Tomorrow, Love, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes are structured as follows...

The Horoscope Feeds are automatically updated on our server. They are date and time stamped, so whereever in the world and at whatever local time your site user is reading the content, it is correctly dated for them. 

The Feeds are hosted on your website and your site will gain the benefit of the increased levels of traffic click here for an example of today's horoscope and how it might look on your site.

The feed is readily available in XML, RSS, HTML and SMS format that is linked to a script running on your website that integrates the Horoscopes into your site framework or onto your telephony system.

We have our own server, hosted within one of the most reputable suppliers in the world. Our system uses Microsoft SQL Server, so to ensure multi-pulls on the feed, maintaining service at all times.

Although our Feeds use classic ASP (soon to be updated to ASP.net (aspx) we offer free help and advice in terms of integration, and this can be especially useful when it comes to rendering content into Word Press, which is a PHP application.

On the day you contact us, we provide you with a horoscope feed, which you can extensively test. There is no charge for this whatsoever. We also provide feed integration instructions, but are on hand to help at all times...

Call Us Now...

Mobile: 44 (0) 7970 879344

Land: + 44 (0)1834 484 9649

Skype: live.p.arundell

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